Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Uni approaching, hopefully..

Hey everyone,

Ok so I received my 'Student' version of my results. I got an MMP (Merit, Merit, Pass) But I needed Merit Merit Merit to be guaranteed a place. Which is 240 points, I only have 200 points, plus the key skills test which hopefully I get some in.

I have my room in the halls of residence and my student finance ready and waiting. I'm just preying they will accept me. The areas which I excelled in were design, games design and 3d design (digital).

So hopefully they will take that into account. And I'm a bit upset I wasn't put into special consideration while marking. Because I know if I hadn't of had tourettes i would of got MMM no problem. So I will complain if I don't get my place!

Though my Tutors from college have said they haven't known anyone that hasn't got a place on the course they applied for. So fingers crossed hey guys!

Sorry this is short, but not much else to say, summer is going along at a slow pace. Pretty boring tbh!
Waiting for a chque to clear, which takes 7 weeks!!! stupid forgien cheques, oh well another 2 weeks to wait for that.
I have a good feeling about the Uni situation though :]

Thanks for reading,