Saturday, 13 September 2008

To be looked at differently...

Hello everyone,

Now, having tourettes, I am very much used to been looked at differently.

But my god i do get so annoyed every time someone comes up to me and goes 'hey do you have tourettes?' and i reply 'yes'. Which to that they reply 'OH MY GOD say something funny' or 'do something funny that people with tourettes do'; now i really hate this stereotyping of tourettes sufferers in where everybody thinks you can act like an idiot and swear to random strangers.

The swearing side of tourettes only effects around 15% of people with tourettes, and just the fact everybody thinks you can say funny things and get away with anything is beyond me.

And also when people ask if i have tourettes and i reply with 'yes i do' they go 'oh awesome that must be so ace/fun' and i ALWAYS reply with 'no it really sucks' and they walk away.

Why would constant muscle spasms, neck twitching, stomach churning and grunting be great fun to have? The way tourettes gets portrayed to the public eye is shocking, deeming tourettes as the swearing syndrome, which everyone would 'love' to have.
I just wish there was a way of getting it out to the public it is quite serious and something people need to be made aware of.

I'm always so scared walking through town that i might say something to someone who won't take it to heart.
It's happened before, it will happen again.

Thank you for reading and i hope you can comment/reply to this post.



Anonymous said...

I have a daughter with Tourettes and I agree with you about how this syndrome needs to be destigmatized. You writing here about your experiences here is a great way to do get the word out. Thank you for your honesty and sharing your story.

Exodius said...

I'm really glad you enjoyed, and also took your time to read this.

I hope more people can find there way here so my thoughts, and shared thoughts of others can be listened to and heard.


Anonymous said...

I agree, the stereotyping sucks. My solution was to make an info sheet that I can hand out to people, you can find it here on my blog: