Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Vlog of Tourettes

Hello everyone,

So I have decided, after much thought and people supporting me in saying it will be a good idea,
to make a youtube vlog on my life with tourettes syndrome

I want to help explain not just what tourettes is, but in what way it can effect us.
Not just in the bad ways, but in the good ways aswell.

For example, I've not been ill since I've had Tourettes, coincidence maybe, but something to talk about.

Also my artistic skills have been brought alive since I've had Tourettes.

I'd like to hear your opinions on this, and if you would support me doing this,
I will be doing it regardless but opinions always help =]



Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting idea!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Zoey said...

This would be interesting and definitely a good way to help others to "get informed" about tourettes and how it's not necessarily a bad thing. Good thinking. Try it out and see if you like it/ if it works out.


thisisace said...

Go for it, mate.

Exodius said...

Thanks for the comments :]

I'm still thinking of it coz it's a big decision, I would want the vlogs to be fun as well