Thursday, 26 February 2009

Tourettes and Concentration

What is this mysterious link between the two? Will this lead to breakthroughs about Tourettes Syndrome?

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So, what many people don't know about Tourettes Syndrome is that in most cases, the sufferer can actually be quite skilled in a certain area of music. For example one could be greater accustomed to a piano than somebody not suffering Tourettes Syndrome.

I myself am talented on Guitar and while playing it, helps me to concentrate and reduces the amount of tics I do, both physically and verbally.

Now this does not work all the time because there are days where I tic no matter how hard I concentrate on things. But it is a great getaway from the usual tics and pains that come with them.

I really enjoy playing the guitar and it helps enjoying the thing that relives you from your twitches and tics.

A lot of Tourettes sufferers are very talented playing the Piano and can grow up to be very successful at doing so.

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But it does not necessarily have to be music that is the only sedative for Tourettes, lots of people notice when they are concentrating on the computer, surfing the internet or playing a game and so on, there Tourettes is not as bad as not doing those activities.

To help control my tics I played video games quite a lot because this would help to ease the twitches and spasms I would and still do get.

The only bad thing about these "methods" of reliving some of the intense pressure of Tourettes, is that almost all the time after the sufferer has finished concentrating on that certain thing, all those withheld tics and twitches all come back at once and you can have quite a bad outburst of a few minutes because of keeping them in, even if you didn't think you where, the whole process of concentrating is in a way holding the Tourettes in; its like when you try to hold the tics in and after a while they all come out at once because you can't hold them in forever.

The thing that still baffles scientists even today is why concentrating can stop tics, what part of the brain is controlling this action and why. If they knew that, there might be a breakthrough in discovering a cure for Tourettes, which as of today has no cure.

Thank you for taking your time to read, if you would like to know more about Tourettes Syndrome then please, visit this link:

Thank you for reading everybody, i hope you do comment,


Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Thinking of the future, hating the present

Hello everyone,

Ok, so rough couple of weeks, falling out with a few friends over nothing, some been really immature about everything, and making whatever is wrong to be my fault. But people do that, so yeah i just ignore it.

The future, what a vivid thought, you could spend all day thinking of what you can do with your life, or what you could do if you managed to do something in the present. See; even that small sentence is confusing, but its the thought of the possibility that you won't be able to do what you hope to do that is the scary thing.

With my head the way it is, certain people unable to talk much, which is cool i know I'll catch up with em. But my head builds up much like power, and too much power can overload the system. That's whats starting to happen at the minute, its also bringing back my obsessive thinking, which is not good at all. Too hard to explain but basically i can't block out anything that comes into my head.

I'm also pretty fed up with the surroundings i have, where i live there are no friends nearby, and that is awful. I want to be around my friends, be able to go out after college or at weekends and hang around with them. But thats something for the future, hopefully college will bring a closer group of friends and better surroundings!

Hehe i hope I am able to play my guitar pretty loud in Uni, I'll be gutted otherwise!!

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Positive Changes but nasty side effects

Hello everyone,

So I've not been very active this past few weeks, well since i last posted in the middle of January!
But some things have changed, well i went to a gig in Leeds near the end of January to watch Escape the Fate at the Cockpit, it was great! Very fun entertaining night to say the least lol!!

And I'm also in a band, It's only just got itself together and we are still in need of a talented drummer, we only have rough copies of two of our own songs and they are exactly that, rough!! But like with any new band, the more you jam with each other the better you work together and the better you end up sounding!

But I'm also having a hard time in my head, my ocd is really bad this month, the only thing that's on my mind at the moment is leaving home, as much as it makes me look a selfish twat for saying it, i can't stand it here, i can't point my finger on exactly what it is, but it's getting to me, i want to get away from all the bad memories and bad past and start fresh, clean slate, meet new people, new adventures, new problems. But not here, not here.

I've also had the same thing happen that always happens with me, i make a friend, or so i think i have. And the next week they don't speak to me again, you could say that I am getting used to this by now, but it still hurts just as much as ever. My confidence is low because of that, which makes me act weird around my friends, they understand(I hope) but yeah.

Tough times are ahead, but hey, who hasn't got them?
But i guess the band thing is a great positive eh.

I hope if any of my friends read this, that they understand. And also i hope to see my friends more often, it's so annoying not been able to see your friends much, specially the ones you really care about.

Thank you for taking your time in reading this,